Some interesting facts related to us and Benzalkonium Chloride

We, Somu Organo Chem, are the prominent Benzalkonium Chloride Manufacturers , aka BZK, BKC, BAC, alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride and ADBAC, is a type of surface tension reducer related to positive charged ions. It is a carbon based salt categorized in the function of a fourth rank of alkali metal ion chemical. Three major functionalities it comprises of, i.e.: as a substance which is poisonous to living organisms, a surfactant related to positive charged ions, and as a segment transmission intercessor, ADBAC which is used for the purpose of surface disinfection is known as a concoction of alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chlorides, in which the alkyl group has different even-numbered alkyl bound stretches. Benzalkonium Chloride Dissolving Nature and Corporal Attributes We, Somu Organo Chem, being the protuberant Benzalkonium Chloride Suppliers , know that as and even being contingent on purity, Benzalkonium chloride begins i...